The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations

Unit Progress:
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The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations state that the employer must ensure all workplaces (including external areas which fall within the boundaries of a premises) meet certain standards. These are:

  • All enclosed workplaces must be ventilated with either fresh or purified air
  • Workplaces must be safe to work in and safe to move around in and should be maintained regularly
  • A minimum temperature of 16ºC should be maintained in most of our enclosed workplaces and the temperature throughout the year should be comfortable
  • There are specific requirements that cover the occupancy of workplaces, which ensures workplaces are not over crowded with staff or furniture

Staff should raise any H&S concerns they have, regarding their workplace, with their manager.

For more information regarding temperature in the workplace, visit the thermal comfort section on the HSE website.