Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

Unit Progress:

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The Management of H&S at Work Regulations places duties on staff, as well as the employer.

Duties placed on the staff

Staff need to cooperate with the employer to ensure that they can comply with the relevant duties placed upon them by:

  • Taking reasonable care of their own H&S and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions
  • Not interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interest of H&S
  • Co-operating with the Employer in ensuring compliance with statutory obligations
  • Reporting anything considered to represents a threat to their H&S

Where staff become pregnant, they must inform their manager, so a specific new and expectant mother’s risk assessment can be carried out.

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Duties placed on the employer

The employer must ensure that risk assessments of activities that staff undertake are carried out and that the principals of risk prevention are applied. The risks to patients and members of the public must be included in the risk assessment process.

The employer must also provide all staff with adequate information, instruction and, where necessary, supervision.

The employer must also cooperate with other employers sharing the workplace. This may involve joint risk assessments, sharing of information and informing each other of risks that their respective employees may be exposed to, due to the nature of their work.

Each employer must ensure that their staff are appropriately trained in H&S. So, all staff who use equipment, for example, must be adequately trained to do so.

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