Responsibilities for Incident Reporting Management Responsibilities

Unit Progress:

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When a non-clinical accident, incident or dangerous occurrences is reported, management responsibilities are:health and safety online course

  • To ensure the correct form is completed in full by the member of staff within 24 hours. If a form is not completed by the member of staff (due to their injury or any other reason), it is a managers responsibility to complete the form on their behalf
  • To advise staff to attend either the Accident and Emergency, or Occupation Health department
  • To fully investigate the accident, incident or dangerous occurrence and place details of any action taken (in order to prevent a similar incident from occurring) on the form
  • Where staff are off work for more than 3 days or placed on light duty for more than 3 days to notify the Health Safety and Welfare team at the beginning of the fourth day of absence or light duty