Hazards and Risks

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When carrying out risk assessments, HSE guidance explains how hazards and risks must be identified.

So what is the difference between a hazard and a risk?

hazard is something that has the ability or potential to cause harm.

risk is the likelihood of exposure to the hazard as well as the severity. In other words, how often are people exposed to the hazard, and if something went wrong, what type of injury are they likely to suffer.

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Reviewing Risk Assessments When to Review?

There are certain times when the employer should review existing risk assessments.

  • A change in the work process
  • A change of a particular workplace design
  • A complete change of your workplace
  • Introduction of more staff into a workplace
  • Removing staff from a particular workplace
  • Following an accident or near miss (these are covered later in the session)
  • On request by the Union Representatives, H&S Advisor or a particular committee
  • When the employer considers the risk assessment is no longer valid
  • On request by a HSE Inspector