Do you know your fire extinguishers?

Unit Progress:

Do you know them?

  • Red – Water Fire Extinguishers (suitable for solid fires and safe for use on paper, wood and textiles. Ordinary water fire extinguishers should not be used on fires with electrical equipment)
  • Blue – Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers (suitable for small fires and fires involving electrical equipment. However it should not be used on sensitive electrical equipment such as computers)
  • Cream – Foam Fire Extinguishers (suitable for fires involving flammable liquids such as petrol and effective in preventing
  • Black – CO2 or Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers (very effective on fires of computer equipment and various other electrical appliances
  • Yellow – Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers (developed specifically to deal with deep fat cooking fires so suitable for fires in kitchens and in food processing plants)

fire safety course online