Key health and safety statistics

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The Health & Safety Executive (HSE), who enforce the H&S law in hospitals, factories and schools, also collate and publish data relating to accident statistics. This is an example of recent fatalities sustained by employees whist at work:

“Three employees working on a farm near Thetford were asphyxiated in a slurry tank. They were overcome by carbon dioxide; this, compounded by a lack of oxygen, resulted in the workers drowning in less than one metre of liquid. A fourth worker, who also entered the tank, was very fortunate to escape with his life.”

Source: HSE Press Release.

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), more than 250 people are killed each year at work.

In addition:

  • Over two million suffer ill-health
  • £23 billion is lost due to work related accidents and ill-health

health and safety images